Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thing #13

Oh, wow! Social bookmarking is great! I love how you can use Delicious to rank most popular educational websites. All you have to do is type in the right tag words! These aren't just websites people happened to visit a lot; they're websites people liked enough to bookmark for themselves. Those are the best kind!

For some reason, I couldn't play the video from the link on the Libary2Play blog. All I could see was a large white screen. The Common Craft guys now have a special place in my heart, though, so I did a search for the video and found it at this link: video. I think I love the Common Craft guys so much because they make technology understandable -- in a peppy, not condescending, kind of way. Sure wish they'd make a video on filling out tax returns.

No, it isn't Thing from the Addam's Family . . . it's one of the Common Craft guys! My heroes!

There does seem to be somewhat of a resemblance, though.
(picture by thorne_ryne on flickr)

Registering with Delicious was easy, once I was able to think of a user name that had not already been used. It was nice how Delicious copied all of my current bookmarks into my new account with the press of just one button. Social bookmarking is a great way to keep teachers organized (individually and as a grade level), but I don't know how practical it would be for primary students.

When we do bird research in 2nd grade, the children always seem to know which birds all of their classmates are researching. They love to mark actual bird books with post-its for classmates, when they come across their classmates' birds. I'd like to think there would be some way for us to apply that to social bookmarking and tagging on the computer, but I'm still having trouble picturing how we could make it work.

Is Furl the same as Diigo? When I clicked on the Library2Play Furl link, a Diigo screen popped up. When I clicked on the video, the word Furl showed up, instead. It looks like Magnolia won't be opening until late in the summer. I couldn't get its tutorial to work. I think the hardest part of technology is keeping everything updated.

All of the top 30 social bookmarking sites I popped into looked similar, so I stopped after about 5.

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